December 10, 2019
4th grade Leaders of the Month Rylee Ingram, Kylie Mapson, Austin Rhodes, Haidn Scroggins, Carlos Sorell, Clara Kangas and Tripp Stanley. 5th grade Leaders of the Month Kyla...
December 6, 2019
The middle school SWAT members added 16 more trees to the district orchard on Thursday. The orchard now includes a few varieties of pear and a couple varieties of plum to join th...
December 3, 2019
Please be aware that your 7th and/or 8th grade student (not 6th grade), should have come home with this letter today. We chose to send it out today instead of before the Thanksgiv...
December 3, 2019
Weekly Updates 12/3-12/6
EECC: December 3rd - 12 days of Christmas starts; 1st day of Christmas wear green December 4th - 2nd day of Christmas wear Santa shirts December 5th - ...
November 22, 2019
Student Coucil was blessed to hear from Wagoner High alumni about his life and leadership.
November 14, 2019
Progress reports for this 6 weeks' period were sent home last Friday. If your student has a D or F in a class, the teacher called or will call parents by tomorrow. (Friday 11/15)...
November 8, 2019
WMS yearbook staff's November newsletter about all things WMS!
November 8, 2019
AFR Insurance Poster Contest winners Makalyn Kinyon, Madeline Parker, and Yasmine Jones pictured with Mary Rowe of Rowe Insurance. 5th grade Leaders of the Month Kenzi Fourkil...
November 8, 2019
CIS wants to give a special thanks to Mary Rowe of Rowe Insurance for her generosity to CIS!
November 5, 2019
Weekly Updates 11/5-11/8
EECC: 11/6- Native Culture Day for KG & 1st 11/6- Flu Shots, 9:30-1145 (go to KG/1st entrance) 11/8- Veteran's Programs, Prek @1:00, KG @1:00 ; 1st @2:...
October 31, 2019
With the passing of the new law allowing individuals to carry guns we just want to send out a reminder that Wagoner Public Schools remains a Gun Free Zone and they will be prohibi...
October 29, 2019
EECC: Red Ribbon Week Tuesday, October 29th - Favorite Sports Team Wednesday, October 30th - Camo Day Thursday, October 31st - Halloween Costumes Friday, November 1st - We...
October 25, 2019
Wagoner Public Schools is accepting applications for the position of a custodian. Applications may be picked up and/or returned to Wagoner Administration Offices located at 707 N...
October 23, 2019
Weekly Updates 10/22-10/25
EECC: 10/25- Cookie Dough rewards - Bounce Houses and Pizza Party
WRT: 10/24- School dismissed at 2:00 p.m./ Funeral at 3:00 p.m. for Mr.Tony at P...
October 23, 2019
CIS would like to give a big thank you to the generous benefactor who donated document cameras to our classrooms. Thank you!
October 23, 2019
Wagoner City Police Officer Bo Henson brought rescue dog Layla to promote the CIS dog food drive for Tall Tails Rescue, which houses and cares for many strays in Wagoner. Donated ...
October 16, 2019
Student Council, along with WPS STEM Club, have ventured into a new way to share what is happening at WHS with the community. We hope you enjoy our new project "The Bulldog Bark" ...
October 16, 2019
Today the Leadership class heard from Mrs. Johnson, WPS District Teacher of the Year about how they can be a "Light to Others!" Thank you Mrs. Johnson!
October 15, 2019
Wagoner Middle School will host an Oklahoma's Promise ( ) information meeting for all 8th graders on Friday, November 1st , during literacy c...